Bird Lake County 2024

In 2024, Lake County Audubon Society is sponsoring a new program to get folks out to see their local birding hotspots. Bird Lake County will feature a Lake County location each month for you to either bird on your own or with us on a group walk. Birding can be enjoyed in many different ways: Some folks like to sit on their favorite bench or log and just let the birds come to them, others take a leisurely one-mile walk stopping often, others prefer a fast-paced 5-mile hike, a bike ride or a paddle on a nearby lake. We will offer opportunities for you to share your photos, experiences and sightings. You don’t need to be an expert birder…just get outside and observe the birds and nature. 

As a special incentive, all who bird at least six of the designated locations will receive a special recognition at an end-of-year celebration in November. Our Bird Lake County group walks will also often include a social aspect from something simple like coffee to a bonfire or picnic. And don’t fear, we will continue to offer additional bird walks, the Big Sit, a butterfly walk and kayak trips around the county as we have in the past. We may even add some additional educational events…so stay tuned! Interested in helping plan an event? See any board member or email us at


Birds vs. Glass


Open Space Celebration Invitation - Sunday, October 15